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Fossil Fool Award 2008

The Foolies are presented by the Energy Action Coalition, Co-op America and Rainforest Action Network, and go to “the individual who has made the most significant contribution over the past year to the development and dissemination of fossil fuel-related pollution.”

This year’s winner is Ken Lewis, CEO of Bank of America, ” for the global financial institution’s massive support for dirty coal. Bank of America is the leading financial backer of mountaintop removal coal mining in the United States and a top funder of new coal-fired power plants.”

Interestingly, his bank just adopted the Carbon Principles, which make it harder to finance coal fired plants in the US. Perhaps one of the runners-up (Ed Stelmach, Premier of Alberta, Rick Wagoner, CEO of General Motors, Rex Tillerson, CEO of ExxonMobil and Bruce A. Williamson, CEO of Dynegy Corporation) might have been a better choice, although the vote was very close, with Stelmach only two hundred votes behind.
– from Foolies

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