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Wikileaks, Dickileaks & Ubuntu Underage girl

The UK has taken the next step towards extraditing Julian Assange to the US. This is a sad day for journalism.

With all the sex crimes revealed in Australia during 2021, we can’t help feeling Assange has been a scapegoat.

Then again, we couldn’t help thinking there is nothing new here.

How quickly people forget the St Kilda Schoolgirl.
Revealed: St Kilda Schoolgirl is NOT from St Kilda

As the girl was only 16, the press got into the habit of calling her the St Kilda Schoolgirl. In fact, she is not from St Kilda. She only got that name because of her relationships with the St Kilda Football Club.

The news we have to share today is that Julian Assange (Wikileaks) and the St Kilda Schoolgirl (Dickileaks) are both from the same place: FRANKSTON.

— source | Jun 19, 2022

Nullius in verba

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