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Settler crime always pays

The settlement enterprise’s land grab in Area C of the West Bank continues at full force, under the auspices of the Civil Administration and with the aid of the army and successive Israeli governments. Now the agency is putting forward a plan that would enable the legalization of dozens of illegal, so-called shepherd outposts.

Over the past several years the number of shepherd outposts has grown to 50, earning this form of settler takeover the dubious title of “most common form of settlement outpost in the West Bank.” According to a study by Kerem Navot, which researches and monitors Israeli land use practice and policy in the West Bank, the illegal outposts with the pastoral name have allowed settlers to take control of about 60,000 acres, almost 7 percent of the land classified as Area C.

The appropriation of the land is carried out using what could be called the settler-goat method: A goat, that is a flock of goats and sheep, is brought into an area, creating a need for extensive pasture land. Most of the shepherding outposts in the West Bank operate without a grazing contract from the Agriculture Ministry and only a few have obtained

— source Jews For Justice For Palestinians | Sep 8, 2022

Nullius in verba

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