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Attack on the Film about 1948 Killing of Palestinians

The creators of a Jordanian film showing Israeli soldiers murdering a Palestinian family during the 1948 War of Independence, also known as the Palestinian Nakba, have condemned the “violent attack on the film” by Israeli officials and media.

“All the campaigning against Farha will not deter us from our goal which is to share the film and the story it tells with audiences worldwide…in the midst of Farha’s Oscar efforts,” the film’s creators posted on its Instagram account.

“In the past 48 hours our film, Farha, has been aggressively attacked by Israeli government officials and the Israeli media there, as well as by Israeli individuals on Facebook,” they added.

The director, Darin Sallam, and the producers, Deema Azar and Ayah Jardenah wrote that they “condemn all the accusations to discredit Farha and the organized campaign against the film on to drastically lower its ratings [and] attempts to just down the screening of the film yesterday in Saraya Yaffa Theater, and the threats to cancel Netflix

— source Jews For Justice For Palestinians | | Dec 4, 2022

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