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Laboratory for Dismantling Democracy

So, really, Wisconsin is a case study for how Republicans are dismantling democracy in real time right now, but also it’s a project that dates back over a decade, where Republicans have tried to create a situation where their majorities are voter-proof, that they control the state no matter what happens politically.

So, first it was the election of Scott Walker in 2011 and the union busting, the voter suppression, the dismantling of the state’s campaign finance system. Then it was the extreme gerrymandering, that has basically put Republicans in control of the state Legislature for the past decade. They passed the most gerrymandered maps in the country in 2011. Last year, in 2021, they passed even more gerrymandered maps. Now Republicans in the state Legislature are on the verge of a supermajority in the state, which would allow them to be able to override the veto of Democratic Governor Tony Evers if he’s reelected.

And what we have in Wisconsin is a paradox. It’s a 50-50 swing state, but in the state Legislature they’re on the verge of a two-thirds Republican supermajority, meaning that the Legislature is completely out of step with the rest of the state. And they have refused to pass popular policies like expanding Medicaid, like background checks for guns. They

— source | Oct 28, 2022

Nullius in verba

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