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US Law Enforcement Kill More People in 2022 Than Any Previous Year on Record

According to reporting in various independent news outlets during the first week of January 2023, American law enforcement personnel—primarily police and sheriff deputies—killed more people in 2022 than any proceeding year on record. This reporting relies upon research by the Mapping Police Violence Project which chronicled 1,183 people killed by American law enforcement between January 1st and December 31st 2022. Common Dreams, in its January 6th, 2023 coverage, noted that a 2021 study in the Lancet found about half of killings by law enforcement go unreported, meaning the 1,183 figure could in reality be double.

Nevertheless, the scope of the problem as reported is large, and increasing. Since 2013, when researchers at the Mapping Police Violence project began aggregating reports of law enforcement killings, the number has always been more than 1,000 per year. In 2017 it was 1,089; in 2018, 1,140; in 2019, 1,097; in 2020, 1,152; in 2021, 1,145. Between 2013 and

— source | Jan 20, 2023

Nullius in verba

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