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Tech Giants ‘Cashing In on Climate Delay’ Fuels Demand for Tobacco-Style Ad Ban

A report published Wednesday revealed the extent to which Big Tech platforms profit from selling advertising space to climate-wrecking oil and gas corporations, prompting calls for “tobacco-style” ad rules.

“When we think of fossil fuel advertising, we tend to focus on the big TV commercials. But really, this propaganda is playing out across social media platforms, which are cashing in on the disinformation,” Fossil Free Media director Janie Henn said, encouraging people to read the report from the Stop Funding Heat campaign, a United Kingdom-based project with which he is not involved.

Entitled Cashing In on Climate Delay, the report shows how Facebook, Instagram, Google, and other tech giants receive “tens of millions of dollars every year” in exchange for “greenwashing” oil and gas companies such as Chevron, ExxonMobil, BP, Shell, and Saudi Aramco.

— source | Feb 15, 2023

Nullius in verba

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