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Hunter-gatherers and farmers were intimately linked

In human history, the transition from hunting and gathering to farming is a significant one. As such, hunter-gatherers and farmers are usually thought about as two entirely different sets of people. But researchers reporting new ancient DNA evidence in Current Biology on May 25 show that in the area we now recognize as Romania, at least, hunter-gatherers and farmers were living side by side, intermixing with each other, and having children.

“We expected some level of mixing between farmers and hunter-gatherers, given the archaeological evidence for contact among these communities,” says Michael Hofreiter of University of Potsdam in Germany. “However, we were fascinated by the high levels of integration between the two communities as reconstructed from our ancient DNA data.”

The findings add evidence to a longstanding debate about how the Neolithic transition, when people gave up hunting and gathering for farming, actually occurred, the researchers say. In those debates, the question has often been about whether the movement of people or the movement of ideas drove the transition.

— source | May 25, 2017

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