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“Abject Failure” in Buffalo

Buffalo, New York, where the death toll from this weekend’s historic blizzard has climbed to at least 32 as more and more victims are discovered. State and military police were deployed to Buffalo Tuesday to enforce a driving ban, as road conditions remain treacherous after Buffalo was buried in more than 50 inches of snow. Many people froze to death in snowbanks, as well as in their homes and cars — among them, a 22-year-old woman named Anndel Taylor, whose family said she was stuck in her car for 18 hours before she died. Her body was found on Christmas after rescuers were unable to reach her earlier. She had moved to Buffalo to care for her ailing father. Her family in Charlotte, North Carolina,

what happened for me to get arrested is that I was driving along one of the major streets, which is Bailey Street, and when I was driving down, I saw a car with a trunk open. And there were people sitting on the ground in the snow, and the police were there. So, I was going to drive past, but, you know, I was saying that’s not right for them to be in the snow, because it was cold. They could get hypothermia. So I don’t know why the police placed them in the snow.

And I went and asked the — well, I got out of my vehicle and went around, and the officer came to me and said, “How can I help you?” And I said, “I know that these people probably were stealing, but you

— source | Dec 28, 2022

Nullius in verba

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