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Defeated GOP Candidate in New Mexico Arrested over Shootings

in New Mexico, where new details are emerging about a former far-right Republican candidate who lost his bid for a seat in the New Mexico state House by a landslide this past November but refused to concede his loss, was arrested by a SWAT team Monday for orchestrating shootings at the homes of four Democratic officials. Police say the suspect, Solomon Peña, paid four men to shoot at the homes of two county commissioners and two state legislators.

In a series of attacks, Bernalillo County Commissioner Adriann Barboa’s home was shot at multiple times on December 4th. On December 8th, incoming New Mexico House Speaker Javier Martínez’s home was shot at. Then, on December 11th, the former Bernalillo County Commissioner Debbie O’Malley’s home was shot at. Finally, on January 3rd, New Mexico state Senator Linda Lopez’s home was shot at. No one was hurt, but the bullets from a Glock pistol did fly through the bedroom of Lopez’s sleeping 10-year-old daughter.

Solomon Peña is accused of trying to participate in the last shooting himself, but his gun jammed.

— source | Jan 19, 2023

Nullius in verba

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