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Climate emergency

Dahr Jamail
On Contact

Rough note (there may be errors):

is the oceans have absorbed 93% of all
the heat that humans have have added to
the atmosphere
that’s enough heat for example that if
they hadn’t been absorbing that heat the
temperature of the atmosphere would be
97 degrees hotter than it is right now

and found out that for every one part
per million of co2 that we add to the
atmosphere that’s one foot of sea level
rise and so for example a hundred parts

level rise well we have added a hundred
and thirty part per million co2 since
the Industrial Revolution began and he

PSP is paralytic shellfish poisoning

Pacific that the blob
it’s a giant warm water patch that
formed there in 2015-2016 and it has
completely altered the entire ecosystem
the marine ecosystem and so as as birds
and other animals eat contaminated sand
lands forage fish that have PSP it’s

Nullius in verba