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Maharashtra farmers give state marching orders

Unwilling to wait any longer for the government to fulfil the many promises made to cultivators, thousands gather for a three-day rally from Akole to Loni, in Ahmadnagar district. The march will conclude on April 28 in Loni at the residence of Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil, the revenue minister of Maharashtra. The palpable desperation and anger among farmers is clearly visible in the fact that several senior citizens have decided to join in spite of the exhausting heat with temperature nearing 39 degrees Celsius.

On the second day of the march, April 27, 2023, the Maharashtra government rushed three cabinet ministers, Revenue Minister Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil, Labour Minister Suresh Khade and Tribal Development Minister Vijaykumar Gavit, to meet with the farm leaders at Sangamner and discuss their demands at length.

Under major pressure to settle, and with the spectre of 15,000 mainly Adivasi farmers marching towards the Revenue Minister’s residence in Loni, they conceded almost all the demands in three hours. That achieved, the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) and others called off the protest march a day after it had begun.

— source | Apr 27, 2023

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