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Argentine Ex-General Removed For Backing Dictatorship Military

On Friday, Argentina’s Defense Minister Jorge Taiana removed retired general Rodrigo Soloaga as President of the Cavalry Retirees Commission for publicly supporting the military personnel convicted of committing crimes against humanity during the dictatorships of Jorge Videla (1976-1981) and Reynaldo Bignone (1982-1983). In a commemorative act for Cavalry Day, Soloaga expressed support for his cavalry comrades who served during the Videla and Bignone regimes -which he did not refer to as a dictatorship but as “difficult times”- for resisting with “stoicism” their current detention. Taiana stressed that Soloaga’s words oppose all democratic principles. “Under any circumstances, we can tolerate this conduct,” he stressed, adding that Soloaga’s behavior violated the military discipline regulations and the “Memory, Truth, and Justice” policy.

— source | 30 Apr 2023

Nullius in verba