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Progressive Judge Wins Wisconsin Supreme Court Seat

two significant elections took place, in Chicago and Wisconsin. in Wisconsin, where Judge Janet Protasiewicz has won a special election over Dan Kelly for a seat on the state Supreme Court, giving progressives control of the court for the first time in 15 years. With her election, the court is now expected to restore abortion rights in Wisconsin.

It’s hard to overestimate the significance of the race, Amy. And thanks for having me on. Look, the Wisconsin Supreme Court was really the bulwark of conservative political and legislative action in the state for more than a decade, going back to the days of Scott Walker. It was the Wisconsin Supreme Court that put a stamp of approval on Walker’s assaults on labor unions, on Walker’s assaults on voting rights and a host of other issues, and including on that list the gerrymandering of Wisconsin’s legislative and congressional district maps.

So, right there, having a new liberal majority on the court opens up the possibility that the maps for legislative districts and congressional districts will be redrawn. That

— source | Apr 05, 2023

Nullius in verba