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Ofer Cassif, an Anti-Zionist in Israel’s Knesset

This past July I met with Israeli Knesset member Ofer Cassif at his office in the Knesset. The full interview with him can be viewed on my Patreon page. Cassif is arguably the most progressive Israeli politician in the Knesset and has a history of being on the front line of whatever progressive cause has needed him. Among the first Israelis to refuse to serve in the West Bank, he has also been a champion for Palestinian rights throughout his life.

Attempts to disqualify

When Cassif was elected, there was an outcry on the Israeli political right and a serious attempt to disqualify him from becoming a member of Knesset. Cassif is a member of the Hadash Party, which is the successor to the Israeli Communist Party. Today, Hadash is part of the Joint List. “It is almost a ritual,” Cassif says, noting that during every election, members of the Israeli right appeal to the Election Committee in the Knesset, which determines who qualifies and who does not, in order to disqualify political parties or individuals from running because they support justice for Palestinians.

— source | Miko Peled | Dec 10, 2021

Nullius in verba