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Rotating for a farmers’ revolution at Singhu

It was time for the wheat crop to be watered. And Sabaran Singh couldn’t afford to miss attending to this crucial step on his farmland. So he went back from Singhu, on the Haryana-Delhi border, to his village in Punjab, in the first week of December.

But he was not leaving the protest site, where he has been steadfastly staying since November 26, for good. A few days later, he was back at Singhu from his 12-acre farm in Khant village, some 250 kilometres away. “I am not the only one doing this,” says the 70-year-old farmer. “Many people here are rotating between their villages and the protests site.”

The relay that the farmers have devised keeps their numbers strong at Singhu, while also ensuring their crops back home are not neglected.

“This is the time we start cultivating our wheat crop,” says Sabaran, referring to the November-December period. “When I was away, a few of my friends from the village replaced me at Singhu.”

— source | Parth M.N. | Jan. 10, 2021

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