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Pedestrian Deaths Spike in U.S. as Reckless Driving Surges

After a festive evening spent viewing a display of holiday lights, Aditya Bhattacharya and his family were crossing a street to head home.

Then a driver blew past a red light, slamming into him and his 7-year-old son, Pronoy.

“I took one step, that’s the last thing I remember,” said Mr. Bhattacharya, 45. “When I regained consciousness, all I could hear was my wife sitting on the sidewalk, screaming, ‘Pronoy’s dead.’”

The boy’s death at an Albuquerque crosswalk in December, and the seven-week manhunt to find the driver, jolted many people in this part

— source | Simon Romero | Feb. 14, 2022

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