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Putin’s criminal invasion, Europe’s response, America’s role

What is your opinion of Putin’s decisions?
He will be included in History’s annals in the chapter reserved for brutal leaders who chose an avoidable war (rather than be forced into one). Long before Ukraine, to establish his regime, he had committed abominable war crimes in Chechnya. My greatest fear is that, if Ukrainians continue to resist bravely (which, make no mistake, I want them to!), he will flatten Kiyv with the same brutality that he demolished Grozny, killing tens of thousands of civilians.
What evolution, what final outcome do you see? A neutral Ukraine or other solutions?
The objective should be to stop the war and secure the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine. The only way that could happen is a

— source | Yanis Varoufakis | 05/03/2022

Nullius in verba