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President of Stanford University resigns over ‘serious flaws’ in his research

The president of Stanford University said Wednesday he would resign, citing an independent review that cleared him of research misconduct but found “serious flaws” in five scientific papers on subjects such as brain development in which he was the principal author. Marc Tessier-Lavigne, a neuroscientist, said in a statement to students and staff that he would step down Aug. 31.

The resignation comes after the board of trustees launched a review in December following allegations he engaged in fraud and other unethical conduct related to research and papers that are in some cases two decades old. Misconduct allegations about the work were first aired on PubPeer, a website where members of the scientific community can discuss research papers, the report stated. The aggressive reporting merited investigations editor and then-college freshman Theo Baker a special George Polk journalism award.

— source | Jul 19, 2023

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