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Burmese Junta Bombs Civilians

in Burma, where the military junta is escalating its airstrikes on civilians. On Tuesday, it carried out its deadliest attack yet, when it bombed a gathering at a community hall, killing an estimated 100 people, including 30 children. Graphic images posted online and verified by Al Jazeera and other media show burning limbs at the scene.

This is how the BBC’s Jonathan Head described the attack, tweeting, quote, “Horrific air strike by military jets and helicopters this morning … Video posted by locals too awful to upload here but they say at least 53 dead, including women & children.” He continued, quote, “I cannot begin to describe how terrible the scenes are at Pa Zi Gyi. So many bodies, so horribly mangled.”

Members of Burma’s government-in-exile condemned the attack as a “heinous act” that constitutes “a war crime.”

The BBC and others have reported the military junta has increasingly used airstrikes to crush the resistance since it seized power in a 2021 coup, often targeting

— source | Apr 12, 2023

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