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Surveillance Capitalism = Internet Centralization

Surveillance Capitalism has led to internet centralization and is the reason why monopolistic tech giants that include Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta (Facebook) control access to the internet while dominating internet commerce and trade.

Internet centralization has led to cyber-enslavement and consumer exploitation where these tech giants have monetized every aspect of their paying customer’s life through predatory surveillance and data mining business practices rooted in Surveillance Capitalism.

Google, Apple, and Microsoft enable app developers from around the world to monitor, track, and data mine the operating system end user posing massive privacy, security, and safety threats to the end user.

For example, this means that every time you use your smartphone, tablet PC, connected product, SmartTV, connected vehicle, or PC, Google, Apple, Microsoft, plus their

— source | Rex M. Lee | Jul 17, 2023

Nullius in verba