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Climate Inequality Report 2023

The World Inequality Lab, a research organisation based in Paris, released this report on January 30, 2023. The report compiles the latest research on the unequal distribution of carbon emissions and climate impacts. Highlighting how unequal carbon emissions are, it states that the richest 10 per cent of the world population contributes almost half of the total global emissions. However, it faces only a three per cent loss in income due to climate change. Conversely, the poorest 50 per cent people account for 12 per cent of the emissions but face around 75 per cent income loss.

Historically, the contributions of countries and regions to global emissions have remained unequal, the report states. North America and Europe, despite having only a small fraction of the global population, have contributed to about half of all greenhouse gas emissions since 1850.

Unequal emissions persist even today. An average citizen of the United States of America has a carbon footprint ten times larger than the average Indian. If current

— source | 30 Jan, 2023

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