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After Warning Public of Risks, Govt Withdraws Advisory Against Using Aadhaar Card

Two days after the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) issued an advisory directing Indians not to give photocopies of their Aadhaar cards to various organisations, the Press Information Bureau (PIB) has withdrawn the notice, urging citizens instead to exercise “normal prudence” while using the universal IDs.

On May 27, the Bengaluru regional office of the UIDAI had issued a press release in which it had advised Aadhaar holders not to share photocopies of their Aadhaar cards with any organisation due to the potential for misuse.

Moreover, the press release advised people against downloading copies of their Aadhaar cards on public devices, such as computers at “internet cafes/kiosks” and told them to make sure they delete the copies if they do so anyway.

However, on Sunday, May 29, the PIB issued another press release retracting the UIDAI’s previous instructions, citing the “possibility of misinterpretation” of the

— source | 29/May/2022

Nullius in verba